I have gotten nutrition advice from overweight people and they have said the most riduculous things.
no... they generally recommend cutting things out of my diet that i just love eating
YES, I'm 85 lbs & I need to gain weight. I'd take advice from anyone
My grade school PE teacher had to have been over 100# overweight. Yeah, like I took seriously that this guy will show me how to get into shape. We had many run-ins throughout our years together. I did have a chance meeting with him in my later, adult years. Let's just say revenge is best served a touch old and stale.
No, I would only take cooking tips from a fat person like Mario Batali. My mother is obsessed with dieting. She has been obese all her life. She likes to tell me how much fat and calories are in Starbucks Drinks and Cheesecake Factory cake but I don't even eat that stuff.
Like marital advice from a priest?! ;-)
I don't know, depends on the person, not their level of chub.
my aunt was only goodness knows how much over weight she's lost sooooo much by no means is she anywhere near skinny. she's still what people would call "fat" probably. but she's getting closer to thin and healthy than i've ever seen her - and she hasn't gone backwards in her weight goal either so yes i would
Probably not.
No !! ...and Slim Fast was not intended to be used for washing down pizza !
I don't see why not... They might have had a change because of how they...turned out(?) and they are a living example of how one would turn out if proper nutrition...advice...isn't followed.
not really! i have been in great shape all my life because i had many nutritionists teach me. i dont need any advice from another person!
If they were healthy, yes. If they were thin and not healthy, they would scare me!
No, think they could use help from someone who has good and healthy eating habits.
no well if they where health i may
When I was tring to gain weight I took advice from a heavy set friend. She was on, she let me look through her diet book and I ate everything she wasn't supposed to eat.
Yes I would. There is more to nutrition that how much you weigh. And I've known several overweight people that were healthier than thin people and who ate better nutritionally than most average people.
Sure. Just because someone is overweight does not mean they know nothing about nutrition or even that they do not eat nutritious foods. I am not at what some people would describe an ideal weight (especially in the US) but I am far healthier than a lot of people I know.
Yes. I know a lot about nutrition, and I'm not the skinniest person in the world... but that's because I am happy with myself the way I am. I know how to eat and live healthier, I'm just not interested in changing my life in that way at this moment. If I want an ice cream cookie, god damn it, I'll have an ice cream cookie.
Yes. Just because someone doesn't actively put knowledge to use in their own life, doesn't mean it can't be helpful to yours. I know about, and could give excellent advice about things I don't necessarily do myself.
I would if it made sense to me. Just because we don't do what is right for ourselves, doesn't mean we don't know what is right.:) Many people who are addicted to smoking advise others never to start..they know what they should do, they just aren't able to do it! :)
I would listen to whatever he or she speaks.. pick up the relevant ones and discard the rest
Yes of course, they can have useful information about nutrition just like anyone else.
If the advice made sense then certainly. I would particularly if this person were overweight, but were in the process of trying to lose weight. Sometimes the best advice comes from someone who has/had the problem and is trying to deal with it or has dealt with it. It is possible too, that the person became overweight and now has issues such as high cholesterol or diabetes and has recently been educated in what they need to do to become healthier.
Yes, why not? I won't judge someone's knowledge by the way he looks
If I judge thier advice to be legitimate. An overweight person might have the knowledge to lose the weight but not have the willpower to do so.
I would and I do. My Slimming World consultant is a larger lady but she used to be a whole lot larger than she is now. As she is also dieting and losing weight with the rest of us in her group, she is fantastic for giving us tried & tested advice.
If they sounded like they knew what they were talking about, sure.
No i would only take nutrition tips from someone who is healthily fit.
fat people are not a seperate race they are humans too just so you know
Yes, I would take their advice under consideration. Just because they don't act on their knowledge doesn't mean it has no value. Now, if a fat person said "Do what I do and you will be healthier and live longer" but they continue to GAIN weight instead of LOSE, then I would not follow their advice. Do what works. Consider what you want the end results to be.
eating fruit and vegetables. more info you can visit this website.
Hmmm.. would you take advise on this from a thin person? I mean to be honest when you think about it Knowledge doesnt look at size.. anyone can advise on these things wether they pratise and preach the same message is up to to them! I would take helpful advise from anyone!
yes, I had a smoking respiratory therapist give me advice.
Can I give a 'sort of' answer? I once knew a woman who probably weighed double what she should have and insisted she had a healthy balanced diet. However, I don't think she got that size from eating too many steamed vegetables. Whilst I applaud her for reading up on what she should be eating and taking some action (which means she probably could tell you about some aspects of nutrition), I can't help but think she was in denial in some way about her eating habits. I used to be bigger than I am now and probably would have said the same things she did.
Yes, there is absolutely no correlation between a trained person advice and their ability to follow their own advice. Think of it this way, if a killer told you it is wrong to kill, would you believe him?
I would because I know that just because you are fat doesn't mean you eat wrong and live on fast food and don't exercise and take care of yourself as in the case of a person with thyroid trouble. Anyone who has ever taken anti depressants has probably gained a lot of weight on them. I took 1 one time and I gained 50 pounds my first month. Also some major issues with females cause weight gain. Since I have had my hysterectomy, I have gained almost 150 pounds and I exercise. eat right, watch my calories on what I eat..People seem to think that ugly people and fat people are not smart and some are very wise and do know what they are talking about
i wud cuz i need to gain weight no lose it, but if it were the other way around, probably not. i wud think the person was a hypocrit
No, unless I wanted to be fat. One of my pet peeves is trainers who are overweight!!
Nope. Not from chronically sick or unhappy people either.
Right now I am 50 lbs overweight. I have found a diet that I can live with the rest of my life, and it came from 2 M.D.'s and a nutritionist. When I begin to lose weight (I will still be fat for a little while) and people ask me how I am doing it, I will tell them. If they do what I am doing, that means they are taking advice from me (still fat for now). It's like one beggar telling another where he found food.
hell noo
noooo - but my co worker weighs over 300 lbs and she doles it out all the time - she also hawks some herbal vitamin weight loss thing all the time here at work
Yes, I would if I am certain that the fat person is now very determined to shed his body weight after receiving some excellent advices from supportive and encouraging friends. I am willing to give the person the benefit of the doubt.
Nope,I would only take nutriion advice from someone who was healthy and fit.I also do not take financial advice from people in bankruptcy.
I would think about what they said a bit if they had been 100 lbs heavier a year before and were working on loosing it
I would - a lot of overweight people I know ARE eating well. It was their past choices in diet and exercise that led them to be overweight and now they're on their way down! It seems counter intuitive to take advice about nutrition from someone larger than you, but there's a chance they may be eating better than you are since they have more reasons to lose weight and be healthy and fit.
HAhaha No.
Ummmmmmmmm...not so much.
Yes. Many fat persons know exactly what has to be done to lose weight and what are the various components in food. However, they don't apply their knowledge consequently because the problem is often psychological in nature.
Yes, they could be fat for various reasons like a metabolic disorder(i.e. under active thyroid)
No I wouldn't. Íf you are fat you have been doing something wrong. Being slim is no guarantee that you are eating right, but fat people often get fat by eating "empty calories" or too little nutritious food. By depriving your body of nutrients it goes into surviveal mode and hangs onto the fat - thinking "it's bad now, but who knows if it will get worse, let's stock up the reserves". (Neither would I go to a doctor who was obese or one who smoked)
Not nutrition advice, but certainly on which food taste the best.
I took about two years of classes for my Dietetic Technician A.S. degree from a veery overweight lady, she used to come into the class almost daily with a Large soda from Mc donalds, and usually had lunch from there as weel. Her obesity din't change the faact that she was extremelly knowledgeable. Remember human beings don't always follow what they preach!
over a sickly skinny dieing person
No, just like i dont take advice from a women on how to pick other women up. They are either going to lie to you!
Practice what you preach. If you can't eat right and exercise how can you tell me what I should eat? The nurse that is the dietician is thin, so I listened. Looked at the pyramid, asked a few questions. Granted I'm thin too but hey you can never learn too much.
it depends on if they are naturally obiece because if they were naturally obiece i would probably take advice from them.
I wouldn't even ask for an advice:)
yes and no. yes because usually "fat" people DO diet and they actually diet and workout more than the average person. they usually have dieting (what should be their diet) down to an art. their problem (this does not apply to EVERY overweight person) is sticking with it, not falling back into old habits, not getting disgusted and switching/quitting if you don't see quick results. and the no because well, if it hasn't worked for you, why should it work for me? and for some, it's pretty obvious they just hand out advice left and right on what you should do, but they, themselves, never follow it lol.
I never take advice from those who don't follow it themselves.
Only if it was in the context of what not to do.
Sure and what ever she said I'd do the opposite.
NEVER.....being fat is not healthy, so no.
Nope. I wouldn't take bodybuilding advice from a skinny person, or parenting advice from a childless person either.
I'm a health nut... but I also learned that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. Some people know what they're talking about regardless of their appearance, they just don't take their own advice.
ABSOLUTELY. Correct knowledge is correct knowledge despite the source. Just because they aren't applying it doesn't mean it's, or they are wrong.
No. I've stoped looking at how fat peolple lose weight and I've strated noticing how FIT people LIVE!! And that made a much better difference!
Depends on the fat person. If they are fat because they're still in the process of losing weight, then this would be the person that I would trust the most. A heavy person who is successfully losing weight healthily (and still may have a long ways to go) will most likely have read/learned more about food nutrition and exercise versus someone who is thin and has always been thin. The thin person may know nothing about fitness and nutrition.
yes I would, just because they are larger doesn't mean they don't know how to eat healthy, in fact one of my friends eat very healthy, she is just hereditary bigger in size.
would you take legal advice from a criminal?
Yes. Nutrition is a science, which any person can become an expert in. Losing weight is very difficult for many people, not because they don't know how, but because they are human, with very human weaknesses.
haha no! My teachers try to give me nutrition advice I just smile and nod
Absolutely, I am actually over weight and a nutritionist, I've battled with my weight since I was a kid. What I choose to eat is my business, if I gain or loss weight I know why.. because I ate to much and did not exercise. I have a private practice and my clients that have worked with me are extremely successful. I have clients that have lowered their cholesterol, came off meds, no long have blood sugar issues, have reverse the effects of crohn's disease... How many mechanics have a crumby car, how may accountants have bad finances... come on people.. it the knowledge that counts.. silly.
Sure, there is nothing wrong with their brain cells or intelligence.
maybe, you can learn their regrets. you can also learn their bad habits. idk its all what u think i guess!
yes not everyone takes their own advice
If he/she started then I'll listen patiently!
Millions of people did - look at the Atkins Diet and made a huge mistake.
no way.
do i look like a fckn jackass?
Sure. Just because someone is fat doesn't mean they don't know healthy eating habits. Maybe they have health problems or are on medication that causes them to be overweight. The truth is, most of the people in the world are overweight due to things other than diet and lack of exercise. Notice I say in the world not in America. Lets face it. Our society is constantly eating fast food and sitting around. You can thank technology and the government for that one. But if you need advise just email me. Be more than glad to help. And just to let you know I'm not fat. 6'4" and 230. Good Luck!! Dave
haha... no.
If he or she knew what they were talking about then sure why not. There are people in all walks of life who don't always follow there own advice. Simply another imperfect person..
I'd use my common sense but yes. You never know a person's story by looking at them. Maybe they just recently lost 200 lbs by following their own advice but are still several pounds above their goal.
Yes, Yes, Yes, Most (if not all fat people started out skinney). There is a point in time (tramatic, emotional......) that sets them down another course to obsity. If you talk to Micheal Phelps or Usain Bolt (Olympics champions) - "why are you so lean???" They will answer ....."because we train so hard" I personally know 2 dozen trithaletes that are border line fat. They train nearly as hard as those athletes, but still struggle with weight issues. I will answer this question tomorrow.......I have to go to bed now! Those of you who no me know why?????????????
depends what you call fat. i weight over 200 pounds but i work as a fitness instructor and dance teacher, giving out nutrition advice is part my job. Also depends on what advice they need i.e is it to lose/gain weight, get more vitamins and minerals in their diet etc. i don't see why someone who is over a size 6 cant give advice
no, you should not because if they are obese that probably means they did not maintain their own health.
Rule of thumb: never take advice from someone who suffers from the same issues as you. If their advice doesn't help them, it probably won't help you either.
Sure! They've probably studied extensively about the subject. There are probably a lot of reasons they might not be able to do what they know. Also they could have an undiagnosed thyroid problem or another medical issue like heart failure that prevents them from losing weight.
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