While pre-school is optional, kindergarten is the first standard class level at which a student starts their school career.
It may depend on the school district, but at my school it was required.
In our school district, kingergarten is NOT required. However, I don't know of anyone that keeps their child out of kindergarten. I'm still not sold on sending my kids to pre-school, but I would think keeping them out of kindergarten would be holding them back, they need to learn the basics. Just my opinion!
In AZ, FULL day kindergarten is required.
If it's not a law, I don't see how the school can require it. I didn't go to kindergarten and no one can tell that from my master's degree. I think schools sell the idea of preparing children for first grade but maybe that's because parents typically don't do that themselves...either they don't know how or don't have the time.
Kindergarten is optional in my state yet required in 15 other states
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