• "Wet pavement, particularly just after it starts to rain, along with mud, snow and ice, can mean disaster for motorcyclists who aren't particularly careful. Here are some pointers for operating safely in wet and icy conditions. 1. Avoid slippery spots if possible. Always drive on the driest pavement you see ahead of you. 2. Reduce your speed - particularly on curves - because it's harder to stop on slippery surfaces. Don't forget, the speed limits posted on curves apply to good surface conditions. 3. Use both brakes and remember that the front brake is more effective than the back, even on slippery pavement. Squeeze the brake lever gradually to avoid locking the front wheel. 4. Avoid using the front brake, though, on extremely slippery surfaces, such as ice. Squeeze the clutch, look for an escape route and gradually coast to a stop. (Attempting this maneuver at anything other than the slowest of speeds could be dangerous.) If you must ride on icy or snowy roads, keep your bike straight up and proceed as slowly as possible. Avoid sudden moves and abstain from any quick changes in speed or direction, which can cause skidding on slippery surfaces. 5. Turn, brake, accelerate and change gears as little and as gradually as possible. Make no changes at all in very slippery places, such as a patch of ice, until you've crossed it. Tips: Remember that oil leaked from cars and trucks tends to build up in the center of the lane, particularly near intersections. Ride in the track created by the wheels of moving cars. Also, watch for oil spots when stopping or parking. Putting your foot down in the wrong spot can make you slip and fall. Certain sections of a wet road dry out faster than others, and snow melts quicker on some sections than others. Stay in the safest part of the lane whenever possible. Consider skimming your feet along the pavement to keep from falling when you're changing lanes on extremely slippery surfaces, but only attempt at the slowest speed. Stay away from the edge of the road when making sharp turns at intersections or when entering and leaving freeway ramps at high speeds. Dirt and gravel tend to collect along the side of the road. Warnings: Be warned that it's next to impossible to keep your balance on ice, hard-packed snow, or wet wooden surfaces. Follow the advice of the most cautious and experienced motorcyclists, who stay home when the roads are covered with ice or snow."
  • Don't. Park the bike at home if snow is expected. Having been caught once on slippery, snow-covered roads, I can attest to the fact that you have very little control and must drive slowly and carefully. This takes your attention off the rest of the traffic, which is your main enemy on the road. Your slower speed also makes you more liable to become involved in an accident. If you must drive a bike in the winter, bolt a sidecar on. This solves the worst of the stability problems and leaves you with only the poor traction caused by the narrow tires to cope with.
  • You don't ride a motorcycle on ice or snow......period!
  • Well it doesn't snow in Australia (sadly), but when my dad had his motorbike a Yamaha 750, we had gravel on our driveway and some mud in places and i remember him driving out sometimes and just slipping from pushing it out of the driveway and it was like a 180kg motorbike and it was funny (sometimes). As I am learning to ride aswell he always tells me to go slow around the corners and not to accelerate too fast of the traffic lights.
  • It's probably best if you don't try. World class Speedway ice racers do it with 2" spikes sticking out of their tires, but they're paid to do it.

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