• You're not that different. You just need to find and make more friends with those interests. Are you on any websites about your favorite superheroes? That would be a good place to meet others with like interests.
  • cause god created us all different
  • The world would be a pretty boring place if everybody is the same
  • The world would be a pretty boring place if everybody is the same
  • In a diverse world, it's good to be different.
  • You are NOT are UNIQUE & I see that as a good thing!!! You think for yourself, don't follow the crowd, you know what you like & explore it. IGNORE those who tell you that you are wrong. Good chance that they are secretly jealous of you!!! Just wait until they are sitting in jail for the choices they made & you're FREE as a bird!!! You have SPECIAL talents that you haven't discovered as yet. Good example is Elon Musk. He had Autism & even his own family made fun of him. Now he's worth a half trillion dollars & nobody dares to laugh at him.
  • Not sure why people are telling you that you are not different because you are as am I. It’s a misunderstanding that we all supposed to be anywhere or remotely close to being the same. Thank goodness that I’m not like you or you me or anyone else because the world would be boring if we all were the same.. On the other hand, Stan Lee was just as strange compared to most people back in his days and while others decided to take up a 9-5 job, he decided to create his own comic book company, “Marvel”. Common folks have limited vision compared to those strange and different folks such as yourself and I.

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