Yes, but you just reminded me that I haven't named my current one. Suggestions?
Linda JoyJoy Rider or joy for short
Linda Joywhat have you named them in the past that might help me give you more ideas
AnonameOkay, Joy Rider it is. My car is now named after you.
AnonameOther cars: White Lightning - Slick Black - Blue Rabbit, etc. I seem to use the color in the name.
Linda JoyYay! Only just saw this!
Yes. I know my car name. my car name is Toyota Allion 2016.
Linda Joy
You can call it Toy or Al for short.
i dont have a car to nanne
Yes. All of the cars that I've ever owned have had the same name. . . . . . . "Mycar"
no , I never have named a car .
Leo the lux is my current hIlux.
I used to when I was a teenager.
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