• Tell them both to screw off and let their gods fight over your soul.
  • Tell them you are an Odin man!!!
  • Have you ever looked into other faiths? What do they bring to the table? All three major religions of the West, Christianity, Islam, and Judaic, come down to the same basic beliefs: do good, try hard, one God, moral compass, etc. What do you believe? Have you ever looked into the other religions, Buddhism, Hinduism, Toaism? I don't really have an answer to what to believe, that is up to you. Whatever you believe is up to you, and nobody else. Have faith in your choices!
  • Anyone who tells you that if you don't believe what they tell you that you're going to be punished for it is not to be trusted, ergo you shouldn't believe anything they say.
  • You have been misinformed by both. Only God determines the ultimate destination of anyone's soul. No human creature has any right to say where anyone else's spiritual destination is. When they do this, they are committing a cardinal sin...which is putting themselves in God's place. That is called blasphemy...And we have it on good record that He does not like it....a lot. "Judge not, lest ye be judged". We can judge the wisdom or foolishness...or even the good or bad in another person's actions or life, but we are not the judge of their soul. "Men look upon the outward appearance, but God ponders the heart". I am a Christian because I was raised as one...and it is the best way for me, as I see it. Many, in all honesty, cannot accept the faith as I understand it, but I cannot say they are "condemned" because they cannot. I can only say that I believe they are missing a lot from life.
  • In any case, for it not to be contradictive, one of them or both are wrong. so either identify the one that is right and follow it, or identify the one that is wrong and ignore it. If you are a christian there is no reason to believe allah will toss you into hell, because the christian God says there only is one god. probably likewise for muslims. But you're not honestly going to make a decision on which religion to choose based upon fear of NOT chosing it are you? The people in medieval times used fear to convert people, and look how great that worked out... Fear is totally the wrong motive. If you've had multiple discussions with represantatives from both beliefs I'm sure you've learned more than simply this one fact, right? I have never really studied Islamic faith, so I can't say much about it, but I hope you've been able to find the main differences. Let THAT be the basis of your choice. finally: don't look at people, because many of them aren't great examples. So many people become bitter and rebuke the christian beliefs simply because christians have hurt them or their church-leaders made a wrong decision. Yes, the church is supposed to show what christianity is, but many congregations simply don't. Be carefull to judge the essence of christianity rather than the church. I'm sure the same goes for Islam. Hope this helps :), always glad to answer questions so fire away
  • Try reading a book that's positioned on a table positioned in another room. That's what it's like when man tries to figure out what it is that God wants. Yet, they continue to try in order to console their own fears. Just do the right thing and wait until after you die. If God is infinitely understanding (I'm inclined to accept - not believe - that because God supposedly created everything), then we'll all be pardoned.
  • You really have NO REASON to be "stuck". The profoundest appeal made by religious creed has ever been made to fear. Whereas all the fear in the world could never get from people any more than the affection of a dog that licks the hand of its master at feeding time.........when there's no whip to be seen, of course! Religion--for ages--has been a reign of terror under which it was impossible for so tender a flower as "love" to flourish. It did not dare to breathe forth its natural sweetness to its own maker. So when I see people crowding together to worship, praise and flatter the God--as if in an attempt to gratify His self-esteem, or excite His benevolence, or keep His destructiveness quite--it reminds me of the little boy stroking the tortoise to please it. A Hindu commentator on this creed said: "One of their teachers said to me the other day that all my people(that's about 800,000,000 people) must assuredly go to Hell; and at the same time placed before me a picture of their Heaven asking me to 'flee from the wrath to come' and escape the [horrible vendictiveness] of their GOD OF LOVE!".
  • Little do they know that they are wasting their life away waiting for heaven, while those of us who know the truth are creating our heaven here on Earth while we are alive to enjoy it.
  • I would accept neither. That way, if by strange stretch of imagination, they are both true, they can fight over my soul for eternity. At least it would keep them occupied and neglect humanity. It seems that everytime god gets involved with humanity, disaster results. I would be saving humanity from god. Would that make me god?
  • "Go to hell"...for what purpose??? It is not a Bible teaching... It is a Catholic or even Protestant teaching...but not supported by the Bible... From the KJV...Romans 6:23 (King James Version) 23For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. "Wages" are always paid in full, no matter how small the wage. So our death FULLY pays for our sin/s, things we committed, and not the inherited sin from Adam, which is and was PAID FOR by Jesus. So nothing is '"owed" Given this, what is the basis for any further punishment in a place called 'hell'??? And WHO is supposed to do any "punishing" Our loving God. Would he be that unfair as to further punish us for something that is fully paid for? Of course not... So the concept of punishment in hell is WRONG> "Hell" is simply man's grave... Hell / Hades [ Greek] will be gone along with death... (Revelation 20:14) And death and Ha′des were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire. No death = no hell / Hades...= no graves...Q.E.D.
  • It comes down to which you want to believe, the Koran or the Bible. I cannot speak for the Koran because I have never read it so anything I would say about it would come under the heading of “hear-say”. As for the Bible I have read it a number of times and have sat under some of the best of teachers. It has taken much time, understanding and prayer to rid myself of as much of the fear and even hate teaching taught in most every church denominations or even non-denominational churches. I am not perfect with it but I try to live by the two commandments of loving God with all my heart, strength and soul and the second to love my neighbour as myself. These two commandments are repeated several times in both the Old and the New Testaments. So many times you will hear “Christians” say, “God loves the sinner but hates the sin.” According to the Bible by accepting Jesus as your personal saviour all your sins are forgiven except one; that being rejection of Jesus Christ. It says, “No one comes to the Father except by Jesus.” Do these two statements mean you can go out and purposely commit what is considered sin or uncleanness to you. This is important to understand because the church wants to list many things as “sin” in their “church beliefs” but are not necessarily “Bible truths”. This is shown in Titus 1:15 “Everything is pure to those whose hearts are pure. But nothing is pure to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, because their minds and consciences are defiled. “ I am very sorry to say that most churches tend to indoctrinate their followers into a certain group of church laws and requirement putting God in a box so to speak. This turns many away from Christianity because what they teach is fear and not love. So many Christians and churches want to point their boney fingers at a nonbeliever and tell them if they do this or that they are going to hell! This simply is not true! I believe and the Bible says only the rejection of Jesus as your Saviour condemns you. By accepting Jesus as your saviour you are then saved by grace not by the law of which no man can live up to. The Koran from what I understand claims to believe in the same God as the Christian, I hope they do. The major difference is they reject Jesus Christ. This means they have to live under the law of Moses also known as the Levitical Law of which God says no man can live up to. This is one of the major differences between the two, don’t believe and go to hell or accept Jesus and His love and be saved. The choice is yours to make. It is simple to accept Jesus, just ask him to come in and fill that void in your life. I cannot recommend any church however as most will teach you fear and not love, yet you need to learn as well. Just do not accept everything a minister may tell you. Research on your own to learn the truths of the Bible and not the rules of a church. I have given a rather long answer here and yet I have only scratched the surface. From what I know of the Koran I do not believe it and I only accept the King James Version as the closest to the original. You must decide for yourself which belief will send you to Hell and why or why not.
  • Realize that we have only ONE God...not a Muslim God...not a Christian God....All religions have a few things important things in common...Love God above all and be good to others. I think if you follow that life rule, it doesn't matter what religion you choose. It's all the same...many paths leading to exactly the same place.
  • All Hell is, is the condition of being away from God. Isn't that what you wanted in the first place???
  • Accept no religion and die without burning anywhere.
  • Whaddabout practising both, with equal devotion? Sorta like a divine 'hedge', huh? ;-)
  • Reject both of them and live your life without fear.
  • I think you are looking at the question from the wrong end. Instead of asking which one you'd rather die with, ask which one you'd rather live with. Which one has love as its centerpiece? Which one describes a God that loves His creation so much as to be willing to sacrifice Himself for it, instead of demanding that His creation sacrifice itself to Him? Which one says that we must love our neighbor as we love ourselves? Which on depicts a God who loves even those that the rest of society calls trash and sinners? And before you spring a Gotcha! on that, look at Christ, not Christians when you ask that. There are many people who claim to be Christians in order to use those sheep's clothing to cover their wolvish nature. There are many Christians who are a work in progress or who have only begun their walk. If you want to understand the nature of a Christian, look at Christ. He is our leader, the one we are supposed to emulate, and not everyone gets it right. You have clearly figured out that the two are mutually exclusive. You can't be both. Which on is the road that leads to life?
  • You can either get yourself all bothered and in knot about this ---and decide which religion to choose Or, you can do the easy thing, and disavow all religion. I make it sound so simple, don't I? I suppose you can decide on the flip of a coin.
  • You sure do like to stir the pot, don't you? :) It's kinda hard to say anything new on this topic. Every base has been covered so many times from so many angles that only the most creative of minds can find a fresh perspective. But really, I think that's what it needs: a fresh perspective. A fresh perspective is a mind that isn't already set in concrete one way or the other about something... a mind that's "free" and open, without being gullible or stupid. How does one get a fresh mind, if all we have are old, used-up ideas that have been recycled endlessly, mixed and matched in endless variety, but always with that familiar "heard this stuff somewhere before" plaids and paisleys emerging from the loom? To me, you only get a fresh mind when you're willing to let go of everything: your pre-existing ideas, your conditioned ideas, your resistance or opposition to what others have said, your affection for what others have said, really everything you "know" about a topic. That doesn't mean forgetting what you know, it means being willing to set it all on the table, step back, and say "well, look at all this stuff! How interesting to see each thing under the bright lights, just sitting there minding its own business!" When that happens, you get a fresh mind. Like hitting the reset button on your viewpoints, opinions, and attachments. There's nothing more delicious than a fresh mind: each thing is experienced newly, with a crisp clarity that rings of truth... just seeing things for what they are without personal distortions and preferences or resistance. A fresh mind allows for fresh thinking, for seeing connections that weren't seen before, for changing directions abruptly from the past without concern that the sheer weight of the past's inertia will grab the steering wheel and force it back to the old road. To me, that's what religion needs. That's what humanity needs... a way to set things on the table and hit the reset button. The procedure I use for doing that is meditation, and the kinds of reflective detaching which one learns through experience with meditation. That's the way I know to come up with a fresh mind. I don't know that it's the only way, but I know it works. That's my religion.
  • Read Revelations and realize how Religion was created to divide... Not to unite. There is only One God. With many names who answers to many people. Im sure He would be much happier about it if we realized that.
  • Deuteronomy-Chapter 13-Verse 1 to 11 To all of God's and Abraham's children (Jews ,Christains, Muslims) the Message : The message that if now followed, will be a message of self distruction for us all. For as much as these religions are of common stock,the created differences are now enough to bring on the Wrath called for in this Chapter. Do you really want to destroy anyone who does not agree with your religion ? If you do then I don't think that is right !
  • Accept atheism, if you're gonna burn either way, at least have your sundays free.
  • Become a Satanist, that way if you go to hell, you are welcome there with open arms :)
  • You did this to/for yourself, actually listening to an alternative point of view. I think you're owed a 'congratulations' for helping to bring the peoples of the world just a bit closer! How is that a bad, punishable misdeed? I don't understand. Peace.
  • Let me tell you the major difference between Islam and Christianity. In Islam it is all about pleasing God. You have to pray certain times every day facing the right direction. You have to wear the right clothes. You have to say the right things. You do all of this your whole life in the hopes of maybe if you got it right and didn't forget anything you might make it to Heaven, perhaps. With Christianity, there are no steps to take, no rules to follow in the hopes of pleasing God. Christianity is the only religion in the world where the major deity seeks out you. God is there waiting for you to accept His invitation. He has already approved you just go to Him. That is why I chose Christianity.
  • Sure. Stay an Atheist and when you die, you'll be all dressed up and with no place to go
  • To paraphrase a comedian, "If I serve Allah, to die for him guarantees me direct entrance to heaven. If I serve Jesus, He already died for me!" You choose =)
  • Well, its all the same hell, god & heaven so I really wouldnt worry about it too much.
  • First let me assure that a Fiery burning Hell where someone is tormented for eternity is not real. Second why would a loving God punish someone for eternity? I don't know anything about the Muslims religion, and yes many Christians teach that Hell is real. But the Bible does not support that teaching. These two links will give you Bible based information that will, (I am sure) help you to see what the Bible says about the Hellfire belief. and I really hope this is helpful.
  • Maybe one is right and one is wrong, or, maybe both are right, or, and here's the most radical idea, maybe... just maybe, both are totally made up by religious leaders in order to control people. If this were any other topic, literally anything other than religion, you'd be encouraged to look at the evidence and think for yourself. Neither of these two want you to look at any actual evidence, and neither wants you to question anything.
  • Which do you believe is greater, God or man? In Christianity it is God that does all the work and man is helpless except for his faith in God. In all other religions God is helpless and it is man that does all the work. Do you really think that man can do what God cannot? Job 35:2 Thinkest thou this to be right, that thou saidst, My righteousness is more than God's? 3 For thou saidst, What advantage will it be unto thee? and, What profit shall I have, if I be cleansed from my sin? 4 I will answer thee, and thy companions with thee. 5 Look unto the heavens, and see; and behold the clouds which are higher than thou. 6 If thou sinnest, what doest thou against him? or if thy transgressions be multiplied, what doest thou unto him? 7 If thou be righteous, what givest thou him? or what receiveth he of thine hand? 8 Thy wickedness may hurt a man as thou art; and thy righteousness may profit the son of man. 9 By reason of the multitude of oppressions they make the oppressed to cry: they cry out by reason of the arm of the mighty. 10 But none saith, Where is God my maker, who giveth songs in the night; 11 Who teacheth us more than the beasts of the earth, and maketh us wiser than the fowls of heaven? 12 There they cry, but none giveth answer, because of the pride of evil men. 13 Surely God will not hear vanity, neither will the Almighty regard it.
  • Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” God's communication to us in the scriptures is for men and women who want genuine answers and to live virtuously. When this is the case, a person will accept personal responsibility for the outcome of his life. He will put forth an effort to gain sufficient knowledge to decide to his satisfaction what knowledge is reliable and what he will reject. You may enjoy the 2017 Universal movie, The Case for Christ based on the true-life story of Lee Strobel, an award-winning investigative journalist at the Chicago Tribune, and his wife and daughter. Lee set out on the most ambitious endeavor of his career: disproving the historical validity of the resurrection of Christ. He interviewed world-renowned academic experts from various fields to bring facts and evidence to light. Regarding the faulty belief in "eternal hell:" by leaving obscure passages on the shelf and checking many clear verses on the subject, a genuine searcher can gain an accurate understanding and the peace and fulfillment that comes with finding answers of truth. The book of Acts records the Christian efforts of believers of the first century in great detail and is a source of many clear scriptures. Even a cursory reading or digital search of Acts reveals that Paul and other trusted believers never mentioned "going to hell and experiencing eternal suffering and torment" in their many adventures in reaching people with God's Word (although those words were in their vocabulary). Upon realizing this truth, we change our beliefs accordingly because we have allowed God's Word to speak for itself. In our desire to read clear Bible passages, we look to Acts and see that Paul did mention various outcomes for those who did not believe. As an example: Acts 13:46 “Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold, and said, It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles.” Many clear verses reveal that those who refuse to believe will miss out on everlasting life. This knowledge is reliable and confirmed by God's Word and is what we can tell others as we reach out to our fellow man.
  • Muslims believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah, they just don't believe he is The son of God. My advice for what it's worth, "Question everything," it's the only way to reach an honest conclusion, and may lead to a direct result of the divine or prime mover. Better that, than blindly follow or believe.
  • If you want to find out who holds the truth, all you have to understand: Christianity is about forgiveness. The other side is about persecuting those who mock Islam. 1 John 4:7 "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God." As for hell, we are rightfully judged by our deeds. So if you believe in justice, then you just can't go around it.
  • Well, if you are a Muslim, follow them. If you are a Christian, follow Jesus.

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