Use it as a thunder mug!
Recycle it or fill it up with quarters!
Store things in it or give it to a kid to use as a drum
Pee in it.
You know what you can do with that empty coffee can? You know?!! ;-)
Put loose change in it and save or put a pot plant in it:)
Spray paint it to match your kitchen and use it as a canister for sugar, pasta, etc. Use it to scoop kitty litter, chicken feed or some other bulky thing out of the large sac you bought it in. Use it to spread ice melter on your front steps and path.
When I die and get cremated. I'd like my ashes placed in a simple coffee can and sent to the local dump for disposal. I find that more comforting than sitting in a closet or above a fireplace for eternity.
Open up the other end with a can opener. Stick the 'tube' about 1/3 of the way down into the yard. Fill the can up with water. If chinch bugs float to the top call your local yardner. Or give it to my kids to play with.
Make it into a bomb and send it to dimona or tel aviv!
make a cockroach farm
Put beans in it and make a big noisy (thoroughly annoying) maraca!
Fill it up with change and donate it to a sector of the economy that needs to be bailout from their own greed
I put nuts and bolts in them. My late uncle used one every night to drink his iced tea in, at supper, (which I thought was kinda funny, at the time).
Put a plant in it. Use it as a money jar (and hide it in the back of your pantry for rainy days). I like to use them to put melted wax in for making candles, but that's a bit intricate if you don't mind.
Play kick the can!
Keep them to soak paint brushes in.
i can throw that in dustbin
I have so many all ready being used to hold nails and other household items, I have started to put them in the recycling bin now. The only thing that my recyling won't take are the covers.
If you can't use it as storage, recycle it. Cut the bottom with can opener and than smash it. It will take less space in your tin recycling bin.
throw it out in the yard to complete your white trash redneck look?
My family always used it to store our grease waste xD or really, anything else like nails and such.
Play Bongos !!
use them to keep rice, or flour, or sugar, or something in the kitchen that usually comes bagged. the coffee cans are easier to deal with...
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