Not a "master," but I can feed myself with them at least. : D
Defently starve. lol
I would starve:)
I am very comfortable when using chopsticks.
Never was able to coordinate those darn things...that's why I'm starving ;~}
I can't catch a fly with chopsticks like some people can but I can definitely eat with them. I learned because it seemed fun that almost no one I know can. But in general need is the best teacher.
Well, I guess I wouldn't starve. long as I don't have to eat rice...
I prefer using chopsticks. I can eat anything with sticks that I use a fork with, even ice cream. :-)
I have never tried them. So unless I used them like spears, instead of spoons, I'd starve!:)
I just can't handle chopsticks. But that doesn't mean I will starve. I will use my fingers to eat.
they're pretty easy to get used to
Can't snatch flies out of the air, and they won't sit still on the plate while I try to pick them up with chopsticks. But then, I have no interest in eating flies, so why practice catching them with chopsticks? I can, however, capture a single grain of rice and eat it with chopsticks. So I guess that comes close to master. My wife's Thai, so I've had a good teacher.
No I'm not a master in using them.since there are big pieces of food I wont starve but please dont ask me to eat rice using them.
i am rubbish at using them, but i wouldnt starve id use my fingers!
I'm not a master, but I'm pretty good with chopsticks!
starve in a day
i wouldn't say i'm a master with them, but i can eat anything with them, my favorite is sushi.
I guess you haven't heard that when you go to a Chinese or Japanese restaurant, if you ask for silverware, they gladly provide it to you
I can use them, but not every meal, that would be challenging.
Last time I use them the chicken went flying across the table, so I opt for forks.
Well, I would starve which is why I don't use chop sticks. However, it would be good for me to use chop sticks so I could starve a bit! Cute question!
I can use them, but apparently I hold them wrong. Oh well, at least I won't starve.
I use a spoon once in awhile (you can't eat all things with chopsticks) but other than a spoon or knife I never use forks. MY s/o is korean and I am american but we eat mostly korean food and so we have some forks but hardly ever use them..I can use chopsticks better than a fork..I prefer them over a fork.
I must admit that I have mastered the art. Several years ago I participated in a "Cross-Pollenization" to a Japanese Self-Defense Navy Destroyer. That is to say, seven Canadian sailors spent a week on a Japanese ship and seven Japanese sailors spent a week on a Canadian ship. At our first meal on board, our hosts had thoughtfully set out some western cutlery. When all seven of us went for the chopsticks and managed to use them after a fashion, the cutlery disappeared and we never saw a fork for the remainder of our stay. Hope this helps.
I'm pretty good with chopsticks- we had to learn how to use them in elementary school. I'm not exactly sure why, but it was a cool lesson!
I wouldn't starve, unless someone cut my fingers off :)
I'd learn to use them before I'd starve. I might lose a few pounds though.
I tried using them once and couldn't get the hang of it, I would probably starve.
I wouldn't consider myself a master, but I also wouldn't starve.
I wouldn't starve...but eating would take twice as least. I'd only be able to eat big things, and if it got really bad...I'd just stab it with the stick :)
No I'm not a master using them and i wouldn't starve - i would just do as in India and eat with my hands
I learned how to use chopsticks when I was in Korea. I still prefer a fork though.
I just recently sat down and forced myself to eat with chopsticks until I could do it. I'm still not very good/graceful with them, but I could eat with them if I had too!
I can use them but they slow me down a lot which has to be a good thing! I eat at the speed of a ravening Doberman Pinscher
I have always loved using chopsticks! I learned when I was really young.
Am not a master, but I can use them, so I wouldn't starve. If nothing else were available then I'd just use my fingers.
I can use them well enough, I've been complemented on it before.
I love eating with chopsticks. I wouldn't call myself a master of using them, but I can easily eat rice and other foods.
I would not starve
I'd lose a lot of weight. Hey that gives me an idea!
I have to say ....I can use them and when I was in China I really had no choice...LOL
I learned as a kid when the 'rents took us to a Chinese food rest and all 5 of us learned (and laughed). I like the occasional challenge but prefer traditional silverware.
I'm not a master but I wouldn't starve either...
You may have a diet utensil here...I would definately loose weight.
I'd eat with my hands cause i cant use those damn things. but i can do a great walrus impreesion with them - i stick them under my upper lip pointing down. Arf Arf.
I would have to stab my food or use my fingers but I would not starve.
Why yes, I AM the master. Young grasshopper. I shall teach you my ways eventually. Just be patient. ):
I am a chopstick master. It is like I have always said once you can eat soup(Pho) with chopsticks the rest is easy.
I was born with chopsticks in my mouth. You don't starve even if you are unable to use them. You can always use fork. If fork is not available, use your hands.
If those were the only options then I'd make sure to learn how to use chopsticks. Never used them before.
I'm good at using them so.. I will never starve.
I eat with chopsticks a lot. Not sure if I would call myself a master, but I would not really miss a beat if I was forced to give up forks.
I would starve.
I'm not a master, but I can use chopsticks with no trouble. I sometimes try to catch a fly with my chopsticks, hahaha. Really I do.
i try to use them, just for the full effect, but eventually i get hungry then just stab one of those little boogies into a piece of chicken and pick up a spoon/fork after that =)
I wouldn't say I'm a 'master' at using them but I know I wouldn't starve that's for sure.
I've always been pretty good, but only if the rice is real sticky. I never can remember all the rules of good manners though, so sometimes I'm a little nervous that I'm being impolite.
I think I am a master. I survived!
i wouldn't starve but i'm sure i don't hold them correctly lol..but works for me!
I definitely know how to work them. No problem.
Yes i can use them, do i like them no not really, you can actually eat fairly quickly with them though.
Of course I can use them. Practice and you'll be able to use them. Good for your coordination and even your brain. Nixon practiced picking up a single grain of rice before going to meet Cho en Lai. --Cho upstaged him by picking up an ice cube.
I've learned to use chopsticks since I was a kid. And there's no need to starve if you don't have eating utensils. Just scoop the food with your hand.
I wouldn't starve. I'm a quick learner, when motivated...
I'm pretty good with them.
I just use chopsticks as a mover inside the bowl or plate that I put up to my mouth.
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